Saturday, December 8, 2007

Tiger Wrestling

The monster and I had a fantastic day today. We drove for about 2 1/2 hours to Whangerei where Zion Gardens are located (if you have ever seen the programme the Lion Man you will know what they are like). The weather was a bit dismal and I was really stressed because of the early start and having to get to the place on time. It is a big cat park in rolling green hills - reminded me of the wicklow mountains - with about 40 big cats; leopards, lions, tigers, cheetahs and a baboon. A lot of the animals have been rescued from zoos and circus' and all of them are part of a breeding programme which hopes to reintroduce the animals offspring to their native habitat. Our guide was Ash, who was visiting the park from Johannesburg to see how the lions he had hand reared from cubs were getting on. He was very friendly and informative. The best part of the day was meeting Karli, the tiger. Ash and another keeper led her out on a lead (chain collar and rope lead) and the monster and I got lots of time to pet her and get to know her. She liked us so much she decided to play with the monster. She was just like my little cat Fudge. When the monster tickled her tummy, she rolled over and grabbed the monster's leg, knocking her off her feet. It was all in play however, and she was quickly pulled off the Monster. It was a fantastic experience. She was so soft, I just wanted to cuddle her, but I was respectful of her size and power as well. Drove back to Auckland and straight out to the airport. Waiting to go home now. We also got to tickle a baboon who had been rescued from riding a bike in the circus. Her name was Foxy. She was really friendly. That was really cool too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is so cute. I'd have love to have seen it. Hope you didn't let her lick your hand though!
see you soon