Sunday, December 2, 2007

Food in New Zealand

Wanaka is lovely, it is so nice in fact that it does tempt us to laziness unfortunately. We walked down to the lake today. It is about 28 degrees, a dry heat with a clear blue sky. Heaven. There were loads of people swimming in the lake and boating, I was tempted to jump in, it looked so lovely. If I had my cossie and my boardies with me, I might have given it ago. I had some bread and fed the ducks and gulls while the Monster took some photos. The gulls were amazing, they caught the bread in the air and the ducks would have taken it from my hand, if I had given it to them! They were fickle creates however, and left me for someone else with bread when my supply ran dry. There were loads of people with dogs as well, having fun splashing in and out of the water. It is a nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
A lot of people have asked about food over here, so I thought I would write something about it. There is a lot of meat, as can be expected. Mostly lamb and venison and some beef (not great quality in my experience) as well as lots of fish and lobster (they call them crayfish over here) and not great vegetarian selection. There are a lot of Asian restaurants, a couple of Italian and then the rest of NZ cuisine, which is a bit like Irish/English food. The quality varies. In the smaller towns you get helpings fit for an army of sheep farmers, and even in the cities the helpings are large. We have found a few very nice places and the rest have been average. Another good thing about Wanaka is that we have our own kitchen and the monster is very good at cooking!


Anonymous said...

sounds lovely. Sunday morning here as well, amazingly there is some sun (which has been absent for a few days) and a temporary lull in rain. Also plenty of ducks and gulls but not so tame.

Anonymous said...

Hope the Monster keeps up with her culinery skills back in Dublin!

Anonymous said...

Sounds lovely, the sunshine and animals and no humidity. Looking forward to the monsters wonderful cooking next week.